Insomniac Baby

A tiny off-shoot of the Insomniac Tirade empire. See also the Shit List. But know that it's not all bad to be me

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

It's a BOY!

I had my second scan yesterday. It was great! The midwife pretended to be vague when we asked whether we were having a boy or a girl but a few moments later, she pointed the scanner contraption appropriately and there were definite boy-bits in evidence. So, with “95%” certainty (and a cover-your-ass-margin of 5%), we’re having a boy! Hurray! Just one! Hurray!

This scan was much more fun that the first because there was so much more to see: there was a head (very large – he gets that from his father) and a face, arms and legs (very long – he gets those from me), fingers and toes, and as mentioned a penis and scrotum. Seriously.

The mini-menace is now almost 21cm long – his head measures 4cm across and his thighs are nearly 3cm long (each). He was tumbling and kicking and moving like crazy. I’m really surprised and at the same time, so glad that I can’t feel that yet, though apparently I will start to in the next couple of days or weeks.

The bummer of this was that, unlike last time, you couldn’t see all of him at once on the screen, so the images were a bit like a jigsaw that you had to put together in your head.

Anyway, I haven't got the pictures ready for posting yet - they'll go up in the next couple of days...


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