Insomniac Baby

A tiny off-shoot of the Insomniac Tirade empire. See also the Shit List. But know that it's not all bad to be me

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Just for kicks

For the past few days, I've been feeling slightly achy in the belly region. Mostly, I put this down to growing pains and internal bruising from kicks that I can't feel.

Last night, I finally felt a proper kick. Though to be honest, at first I thought it was some sort of weird in-my-belly-fart. It felt like the way your mouth goes when you use your finger to make a 'pop' noise. Then it happened again and I said to myself "Eh-up! I'll bet I know what that is!"

I called out to Conor so that he could join in with the feeling of bonding and impending parenthood (I was in bed, he was watching telly). He couldn't hear what I was saying to him and rather than come in and find out, I had to get up out of bed and flounce (yes, I flounced) into the sittingroom.

"The baby's started kicking. I just felt him", I said.
"Oh? That's exciting", he replied, without moving his eyes from the TV screen.
"Yeah, just now... there he goes again!"

At last, I got a reaction. Conor started to laugh: apparently, the guys on 'The Panel' were being very funny last night.


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