Insomniac Baby

A tiny off-shoot of the Insomniac Tirade empire. See also the Shit List. But know that it's not all bad to be me

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Coming soon to a hospital near you...

So, my next scan is due in just over a week. I will be at 18 weeks by then. Presuming that the child is not modest (and given its parentage, that's not likely) we will be able to tell whether we're expecting a boy or a girl.

I can't wait to find out. I have enough difficulty at Christmas time leaving the presents under the tree alone - there's no way I could not know.

I haven't decided yet whether or not to tell other people what we're having though. Knowing me, I probably won't be able to keep my mouth shut. I have enough difficulty at Christmas time not telling people about the brilliant present I just bought them. (Are you seeing the pattern here?)

The Announcement


Before you ask:
Yes, we're really pleased. Both of us.
No, I haven't been sick. At all.

Now, say hello.

As you can tell, I had a scan a couple of weeks ago. Apparently, what we're looking at here is a mini-me, but I can't really make head nor tail of what I'm seeing. All the various bits had to be pointed out to me. I just nodded at the obstetrician and smiled. For those of you who, like me, really can't see anything other than a mass of grey in varying shades, here's the map:

Welcome to Insomniac Baby

Instead of just giving out about the crapness associated with being pregnant, I should probably say some nice things too. Christ knows I don't want Junior to end up with some sort of "My Mommy Doesn't Love Me" complex!

So, all the good stuff and the fun stuff about being pregnant and having a baby (I don't think the actual having will feature too heavily though) and being a mommy will be posted here.

As time goes on, I will post photos and other stuff too. Maybe Dr Spock will end up coming to me for advice!